Wash and clean the car windows and the internal windshield

Scritto da: Andrea Proietti



Tempo di lettura 6 min

In this free guide you will discover how to wash and clean car windows, obtaining a shiny, smudge-free finish .

Glass, we think you'll agree that it's a pretty important part of your car, and especially useful when you're driving. Making them shine is also one of the last finishing touches to any car detailing . So, we think it's quite ironic that they are very often forgotten, plus applying a protector to the glass is very easy and makes them easier to clean.

Here's how to get the job done effectively, the automotive products to use, and some helpful tips along the way...

In this free guide:

  • Discover the easiest way to achieve a smudge-free glass finish
  • Learn about the different types of window cleaning products and what they do
  • Find out how old glass can be quickly refreshed and revitalized
  • Find out how to get maximum hydrophobic protection

What are the benefits?

  • Better vision always equals greater safety
  • Clean glass is the perfect finishing touch and the most noticeable for any detailing
  • By using the correct products, the job of cleaning windows will be easier than most people think

How to wash car windows

how to clean car windows

Making your windows look clean and actually having the best vision while driving are the main concerns. In addition to keeping them in tip-top shape, when it comes to exterior glass, the four things to look out for are: safe dirt removal, restoration/decontamination (if necessary), finishing, and protection. So let's find out how to wash car windows in the correct way with high quality products selected by the best detailers.

How to clean car windows

It is obvious that external glass is affected by exposure to heavy contamination, the main reason why, in many cases, it may need to be cleaned even more often than paint. But how to clean car windows and remove dirt quickly and safely?

As with any other aspect of detailing, the amount of dirt to be removed is the primary concern. Heavily soiled windows will need to be washed with car shampoo as part of your regular maintenance routine or cleaned thoroughly with a light dilution of an all-purpose cleaner such as Ultracoat APC+ .
It is important that they are washed and dried with a microfibre cloth effectively before moving on to the next step, to ensure that no light scratches are inflicted. Remember that glass in car windows may be much stronger than paint, but that doesn't mean it can't be scratched.

With a specific product for cleaning car windows such as Ultracoat Glass Cleaner or Innovacar 0 Ammonia it is possible to clean slightly dirty windows immediately.

This solution is ideal for intermediate maintenance washes and finishing detailing. On a microscopic level, glass isn't actually smooth - the surface is serrated - and this is where dirt and even water molecules can take root.

In liquid form these cleaners work their way into corners, breaking the bond of the contaminant in question and allowing it to be removed from the surface. The nature of the rough surface of the glass is also important when it comes to restoration and protection phases.

Car glass restoration phase

Not all glass needs to be restored ... or perhaps we should say, not all glass appears to need to be restored at first, but it's amazing what a difference using Rupes G202 Glass Polish can make .
And not just on older glass!

Just like paint, glass can also be given a new lease on life by using aspecific car polish .

The idea here is to remove any oxidation and limescale stains . A light abrasive is used to remove them mechanically (i.e. physically).

Using G202 does this in the same way that a light buffing would on the clearcoat of your paint, refining and cleaning on a molecular level at the same time.

Removing stubborn stains in this way is a very important process, and is best done before using DopeFiber Nano Glass Cleaner or Ultracoat Superior Glass to remove any remaining residue. The transformation will be immediately evident.

It's also worth noting that deep mechanical cleaning of car glass removes all contamination and protection so effectively, your glass will be pristine than ever. This in turn will make it hydrophilic , meaning that water molecules will no longer be able to flow over the glass. So, this is where the addition of hydrophobic protection will be necessary.

Car glass protection phase

hydrophobic protection to the external glass

There's a simple reason why adding a hydrophobic protector to your exterior glass is a good idea: it will prevent dirt and water from sticking. In fact, we have products that contain a nanotechnological Si02 protection, which will actively repel these contaminants, creating a barrier that prevents them from taking root in the surface.

Si02 (or silicon dioxide), also known as silica , is essentially the most important component of glass, which itself is derived from sand. Si02 also comes in the form of quartz - the basis of all ceramic coatings - whether designed for glass, or for paint, or any other surface.

What ceramic coatings do is anchor themselves to the surface, creating a chemical bond, becoming the durable part of the surface. At a molecular level, it fills rough pores making the surface smooth, leaving nothing for dirt or water molecules to cling to. This is why you see water running off glass or paint after applying a ceramic coating.

For super-fast cleaning and to add protection, our DopeFiber Nano Glass Cleaner or Ultracoat Superior Glass car glass cleaners are absolutely essential. Not only are they powerful cleaners that don't leave smudges, but by using them you can immediately see the difference in the behavior of the water given the layer of Si02 they leave on the surface.

For maximum glass protection we have our nanotechnology UltraCoat Umbrella glass . It applies in minutes, creating a super hard and ultra hydrophobic layer that lasts more than 12 months or 25,000km. The easy to apply properties also make this product extremely popular and is great for adding protection after any polishing and finishing work. With Ultracoat Superior Glass used as a maintainer during routine maintenance, you'll have a combination that can't be beat.

How to clean the inside windshield of your car

how to clean car interior windshield

On the inside, effective cleaning of your car windscreen is still vital to ensure that visibility is not affected while driving, not to mention giving that sought-after, smudge-free and noteworthy finish. But, while your internal glass is not exposed to external contaminants, there is a different set of contaminants that will need to be removed. For the most part these are tobacco smoke residues, along with annoying coughing, sneezing and even breathing. Oh, and let's not forget about those greasy footprints either.

The good news for cleaning the inside windshield of your car is that all of these can be eliminated effectively using a specific cleaner such as Ultracoat Glass Cleaner or Innovacar 0 Ammonia . These are extremely effective at breaking down fatty films, allowing them to be swept away.

They are very effective and simple to use products, so all that is needed is a quick final wipe away to leave behind a crystal clear finish. Without exposure to external contamination, hydrophobic protection is not necessary and oxidation polishing is also unlikely to be necessary.

Our tips for cleaning car windows optimally

Many forget, but on some cars it makes sense to roll down the windows when you start cleaning the glass so you can reach the hidden parts at the top.

It's also a good idea to do this while drying, especially on cars equipped with wind deflectors. This way you get to the entire surface of the glass.

On many modern cars, holding down the unlock button on the remote will do this for you.

Short pile microfiber cloths are best for use with glass cleaners. For maximum cleaning of the glass, however, you can use a cloth specifically designed for this job. We have in our catalog microfiber cloths for specific car windows , excellent tools, and faithful companions.

Our super soft Car-Care.it Silk Towel Glass is great for absorbing and polishing, while our Profipolish Cloudless Glass Towel  It has a little more bite to remove stains.

When using glass cleaners, we find the best way to attack windows is to spray a little on the glass, then wipe the end, followed by the middle. This will help you make sure you have covered the entire area.

A small but great trick is to make sure the windows are a little warm inside before cleaning them. This will help the solvents evaporate even more quickly.

Try using a sideways motion on the outside and an up-and-down motion on the inside . This way, if you leave any stains, you will be able to identify them more easily.

Don't forget the mirrors and perhaps your dear headlights (we have specific headlight polishing kits ). After all, our products are "window" cleaners, and are just as effective on other areas as they are on windows.