How to wash a wrapped car

What is auto wrapping?
Wrapping is the new frontier for the personalization of cars, motorcycles and much more. The procedure consists in partially or totally covering the surface of the affected object with a thermoformable adhesive film, which can be removed at any time without leaving any trace.
The advantages of wrapping
There are numerous advantages in applying this technique to cars. The films used, in fact, in addition to making the vehicle unique, also have a function of protection from atmospheric agents, from annoying pebbles that affect the paint, from tar stains that we often find on our car, among other things, often difficult to remove if specific products are not used.
Car wash with wrapping
The adhesive film must be seen as a real paint, so you can easily wash the car with the classic methods: hand wash and pressure washer. The only precaution to take for those who use the pressure washer is not to dwell too long on any joints on edges, corners and on the edge of the gaskets, as the power of the jet could lift the adhesive and to use a soft wool glove. high quality ( Profipolish Wash Mitt ) to avoid rubbing the surface in any way with unsuitable products.
Keeping the wrapping film on auto
To maintain the excellent condition of the film over time, we recommend using it as car shampoo : Innovacar S2 Foamy and as a protective Innovacar Sc0 Hydro Sealant (duration up to 9 months).